Sunday 21 July 2013

Six Flags New England

David, Ash, Nicole and I were up early rearing to rock out on some massive rollercoasters!

We had to purchase our tickets at the station so we made sure we got there early, however stupid people in front of us and the slowest clerk made it so we were running to catch the bus. Luckily some of us waited in line because the bus got full and none of us wanted to wait for 2 hours until the next one.

The bus ride itself was pretty uneventful other then all of us taking a nap and an extra long stop over at Winchester because the bus was full and some guy wanted to get on so he was arguing with the bus driver. Due to this, we ended up being about 30min late to Six Flags, which made a huge difference as the line to get into the park was massive and took us about 30min :(

Anyhow, once inside we got an energy boost and all became like little kids gallivanting around the park. We had our plan, which was to do all the big rides first and then head to the water park before going home. What we didn't realize however that the park was massive- imagine Dreamworld and Movieworld combined!

First we went on Bizarro which they say is the 2nd best steel rollercoaster in the world... it doesn't even go upside down but man its fast and scary!! The first drop is 20 stories and it goes 125km p/hr! It was intense and the 40 minute wait was so worth it because the ride went for like 2 minutes. 

The Mind Eraser was next which is one of those roller coasters where your feet hang, so it makes it quite gerky, but again it was awesome at 90km p/hr with an 11 story drop.

Between each roller coaster we would always find these cool misty fountain which were so nice especially as it was turning into a 30 degree + day with high humidity!

Next we went on Batman the Dark Knight which went up-side-down 5 times and was really cool because you sat 4 people wide. It also went about 90km p/hr with a 12 story drop.

By this stage is was about 1pm and we were all so hungry and thirsty and hot so we got the best slushies I have ever had- Leonade and pina colada flavoured woo woo- sooooo sooo good!

Our next experience wasn't the best, as we lined up for 30min for the Goliath which goes forwards and then does the whole coaster backwards, however we were the next people on and the ride stopped working. The people on it were stuck just off the mounting part for about 15min! Seeing as a person at the Six Flags Texas park had died the day before because she fell out of a roller coaster, I was not too keen on going on this one anymore, but we waited for another 30min before realizing it wasn't going to be fixed anytime soon.

So with spirits down we looked at other rides but most had long waits, until we got to the Cyclone which didn't have that much of a wait. Its one of the largest wooden roller coasters left and just looked like a fun ride. We sat in the back cart and were happily chatting away with our hands up and then all of a sudden there was a 35m drop at 90km p/hr on the most rickety track! It was insane- so fast, moving side to side, big falls, tight corners! It was the best roller coaster we had been on all day! So so good.

We were searching for food at this stage, but decided to go on the Claw as there was no line up. Bad mistake- we hadn't eaten all day, it was hot, I was burnt and it just made me feel sick :(

Right next door to the Claw was Hodini's which we had no idea what it was. It was kind of a mixed between a haunted house and magic show. You go into this dark scary room where the tv tells you things before going through secret passageway into a large room where the magic show begins. It was so trippy! The room spins around as an illusion and you literally feel like you go up-side-down but don't move at all! So weird.

We were worried about time after the ride, so we quickly got something to eat and headed back to the bus station (Peter Pan $74 bus and ticket to park). The ride home was sooooo long, due to really bad traffic so we were about an hour late. But we made it home in time for study break and enough time to study.

It was such an awesome, tiring, crazy, amazing day. The park was great, but it makes a difference when you go with awesome people. Waiting in line, we talked about random things and joked around being stupid- just so much fun!







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