Tuesday 30 July 2013

Random Study Breaks

There are a few things that I really love about dorm life.

1- Your friends are always so close
2- you can msg them at 10pm and organize to go out quickly
3- Yoghurtland is around the corner!

Its so nice at night when you are studying and then someone msg you and all of a sudden your having a study break in Harvard Square getting up to random things.

Last night Ash came over and was starving so we headed to Yoghurtland (seriously want to open one of these stores!). Deciding on the flavor and toppings is like one of the hardest decisions everytime- like do you go sweet, chocolaty or fruity??? So hard to choose.

David met us there shortly after we had ours and then Sophie and Tori came as well. We were all just sitting there reminiscing about Saturday night when Ash starts cranking Soulja Boy and busting out the moves. Then it turned into classic song battle and we nearly had David rapping which apparently doesn't happen much when he is sober. Just good times...

Sophie, Tori and I did a quick CVS trip and then found Will sneaking off so we yelled out to him and talked for awhile. I found out more stuff about what happened on Saturday night including how he and a few others took our mattress and rode it down the stairs lol! We then all bumped into Harsha who was also on a study break and ended up talking for 30min.

So a quick yoghurtland trip turned into a 2 hr affair- love it!

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