Saturday 13 July 2013

Usual Friday Night at Harvard

Ok so over here i'm like this really confident person that can go up to anyone and start talking to them... its one of the best things about travelling- you really don't care as much.

Back home I would never go up to guys and just randomly start talking about things but here its so easy and ive worked out best pick up line- 'Hi are you in D entryway'... and when they say no you say 'oh sorry I thought I saw you in the stairway' and then you have a conversation and invite them to some party you are going to :) It works everytime lol

At dinner, we were all perving on this really attractive guy and he was sitting by himself in Annenberg. We were all trying to work out how we could talk to him so I said id try my entryway thing lol. So Ash and I walk over next to him and filled our bottles up and then I go 'oh are you in D entryway' and he said 'what house' and yea it went on from there. W discovered he liked to swim which is always a plus coming from Australia the land of swimming! And he invited us to a party!  Woo woo

Ash and I then spent hours working out what we would wear before going to Pre drinks at Tori's (Elliot D). We had the music going and everyone was just chilling out- Tori, Sophie, Ash, Harsha, Will, David, Hannah and then Michelle, Bec, Liv and a whole other group of guys turned up before we started to head in town. There was about 20 of us all together.
 We turned up at the party where two shirtless guys answered the door, though they told us that the guy we met earlier wasn't there. However they invited us in to have a look around. In the end only Ash, Sophie, David and I decided to stay as we wanted to have a tour.

We went upstairs into this giant room that had about 8 shirtless guys :) as well as beer pong tables and lots of moose heads lol. They then showed us around their sitting rooms, poker room, lounge room, movie room- it was all so elegant and old and like leather seats and famous portraits and so many books.
Sophie then said she had to go as she had Harshas passport and her and David left. Ash and I however asked if we could play beer pong. So we went back upstairs and were introduced to all the guys (which for some reason had all put shirts on :( a very gentlemanly thing to do).I think they all did something businessy. They then went on to explain the rules of beer pong and we began to play- I didn't completely suck as I got 4 in woo! Ash was completely smashed so we decided to head to Hong Kong- so two of the guys walked with us there.
 Unfortunately they wouldn't let me in :( I only had my license and they thought it was fake and I was like do I really look like im under 21 and they were like yes arghhh so annoying- I really don't want to have to take my passport out because if I lose I or it gets wet or something happens i cant re-get my visa. So annoying.

Anyway, Ash didn't really want to go in (she was very merry) and wanted a spring roll so we went into the restaurant where the people next to us had springs rolls left over and offered one to Ash to try lol- so random. Then we decided we didn't want anything so we left and went to some ice cream place and then to Otto's where we bumped into Will again who was coming home from a party at Cabot.  We ordered pizza and then the guy who worked there came out and was like 'do you want this whole pizza im about to chuck it out if not". So we scored a pizza and we shared it around.

Then the guy we met at dinner finally decided to msg us back and wanted us to go back as the party had started. This was about 12.30 so we decided to go back. When we got there, we went out the back where there were about 40 people playing beer pong and hanging out. We only stayed a little while as we were both exhausted.

It was such a crazy night- nothing we expected! However can tick off beer pong and house party from my to do list! We are all going back today as they actually have a huge party organized so we shall see how this goes :) Definitely wont be drinking though- I swear alcohol is so much more lethal over here either that of the fact that it cost $10 for a litre of vodka so I drink it faster lol.

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