Monday 15 July 2013

Being sick sucks :(

There is nothing worse than getting sick on your holiday!

On Friday I started to get a sore throat but figured vodka would cleanse the bad bacteria away and I would be fine. When I woke up on Saturday I felt under the weather and just thought it was due to a hangover... however my voice started to go and I began to get a fever. Then the hot/ cold sweats started and it just wasn't fun.

I went to CVS with Ash but they only had childrens fever stuff so decided fro-yo was the adult equivalent :) By this stage struggling to talk and fever at an all time high. Didn't sleep much either as I would put all the blankets on only to take them all off again a minute later.

When I woke up on Sunday, my voice was horrible and by lunch time I could barely speak as it felt like razor blades all down my throat. I struggled to even swallow.

By dinner I had no choice but to go to the doctors and luckily enough Harvard have their own medical center and ER just down the road from Kirkland. They were extremely nice and basically have laryngitis and some sort of virus that they did tests on and will know what type tomorrow... in the mean time they gave me plenty of drugs to help get me better.

Today has been a bit better- don't feel like death- just cant speak. Plus I read through my essay I wrote while having a fever of about 102 degrees and OMG I made no sense lol. Oh well its don't now. Just hopefully can talk more tomorrow :)

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