Sunday 7 July 2013

Weekend- Boston style

So after this weekend I need to not spend money :) Well I wasn't that bad and I needed it all!

So Saturday was shopping day. All the girls piked so I ended up going with George and Will (a weird combination but we had fun). It took us about 25min on the T to get to the Cambridge Galleria (stop Lechmere). Its the biggest mall in the central Boston area... but most importantly it was air-conditioned! YAY. Friday had been so horrible that you couldn't even function in the heat so to be anywhere that was cool was like a blessing sent from heaven.

The Mall had everything! Found lots of stuff in Macy's but it was a lot more expensive than I remember it being in NYC so I figure ill just wait a couple of months and go shopping in NYC. Victoria Secrets however was exactly how I remembered it- the best customer service you will ever get. You walk in and then you say you want to get fitted and they radio to the change room so that when you arrive they greet you by name. Then once you find your size and fit they call a 'personal stylist' to help you pick out your bras... it just makes you feel so special! So I spent lots of money but so worth it.

I spent a good hour in VS and felt so bad for the boys, however they kept themselves occupied shopping themselves. However then I found Sephora and there goes another few hundred dollars and another 1/2 hour. Will had to go back to study so George and I continued on our epic adventure!

I love H&M- so cheap and so nice! I bought 5 dresses- 2 of which George made me buy but they are cute.

We then found the Cheesecake Factory OMG OMG OMG- this restaurant is just crazy. Everything is so big even their menu is big like a novel and they have over 30 types of cheesecakes! I had blue cheese and pear flatbread and then the best oreo cheesecake that was so good I couldn't possibly finish! The meal was massive and all together only cost me $11!

George and I were then on a sugar high so we went back to Sephora and I got my makeup done as I was going out. Red lippy come at me...


We had left to go shopping about 12 and didn't get back till 8! So I got back and got ready to go out.

Sophie came over for pre-drinks (as everyone else was studying) and we went to Tommy Doyles. It was packed with Harvard students. Sophie meet some friends from her class, one was named Peter and he was from Poland. He bought us drinks with he said were Polish- they were in fact vodka shots however as USA doesn't have RSA their shot size is the size of out our plastic cups! So the rest of the night was lots of fun, dancing, meeting people, getting pizza at 3am and getting to know the pizza guy and how he has an Irish girlfriend and then go ahead and plan how he should propose! Such a good night.

Sunday = Hot
I woke up late, but made it to brunch and the most awesomest, bestest waffles ever made! As I was coming back i ran into Mikia who is a proctor and also the manager of the Queens Head Pub. We discussed how I would go about organizing a graduate program party at the pub and it looks like I can do it woooo. Just need to think of a theme, do posters, organize decorations, music, id and then all should be fine :) I then continued to study (although it was really too hot to do much), until it was time to have study break in the courtyard. I talked with people about the party and the theme. the consensus was white hot party so I think we will go with that YAY.

What an awesome busy weekend... loving life!

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