Thursday 4 July 2013

Independence Day Eve aka 3rd of July

Happy Independence Day Eve- the celebration the Aussie's invented (well im sure its already been invented we just made it way cooler!)

To start our celebrations we all went to Elliot House's Study break festivities and by we I mean the Aussie bunch. We then pre-drank in Sophie's room before heading out to this bar/restaurant/nightclub/cheapest drink place called Hong Kong. We were expecting it to be packed seeing as the public holiday was the next day... but it was dead! The nightclub with the dance floor was shut so the entire group turned the bar in to this awesome nightclub with a dance floor and it all of a sudden got packed! It was crazy! We were all drinking these fish bowls which were as big as a mixing bowl and only $16 wow... so amazing! Then the guys were all like try this long island ice tea and I was like no I don't want tea now and they were like no its amazing its got 6 shots in it and was only $5 and I was like wow so they aren't tea bahahah (sounding so american lol). I met so many people though I felt at times like an animal in a zoo as everyone kept asking us to just talk because they loved our accents :) too me when I travel and hear the accent it sounds soooo bogan :) After a few hours people were going off to other nightclubs so myself, Tori, Harsha and a bunch of other people headed to Charlies Kitchen (This is a outdoors bar just around the road from Kirkland). It was a little quiet and we were very merry at this time so we went next door to Tommy Doyles which is a bar on one level and a club on the upper level. The three of us walked in and there were all these bikies listening to scremo music on the jukebox and Tori just went straight up to the jukebox and pressed stop and put on lady gaga bahahaha! Everyone just stared at her... so funny. We met some brazillians in the pub and sat talking for awhile and ended up in bed about 3am ready to wake up and celebrate 4th of july :) What a great night!

Olivia (Uk), me, Hannah, Dimity, Kate, Sophie, Michelle, Bec, Ash, Tori (Aussies)

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