Saturday 27 July 2013

Newberry Street /Quincy Markets

Had the best day in Boston today with two of the funniest people!

Ash, David and I headed into Boston around 10 to go shopping on Newberry Street (where all the designer stores and chain stores are).

What a poser!!! hahaha
We got off at Park Street and decided to walk through the park which was full of people having picnics and playing sport. There were also lots of people on the swan boats in the pond.




Once on Newberry Street we saw all the Chanel, Dior, Tiffany's etc so walked a little way down until we found Victoria Secrets where we said bye to David for an hour! So much fun trying on all the stuff in VS- again I bought a few things :)


We then met David in H&M which again took awhile as its so cheap and so good that I had so many things to try on. In the end I bought 5 dresses, shoes, a bag, a hat, swimmers and it was all $114! Crazy good!

 Poor David had to wait awhile, although he was trying stuff on as well. We found this trendy store for him though, and made him try on all these clothes for him to model! He is such a poser!

We then continued down Newberry St looking for somewhere to go for lunch but it was extremely busy and everywhere had a wait of 30min so we just kept walking. We went into other boutique stores and candy stores before finding this cute diner/bookstore called Tridents Book Café. I order a chicken sandwich which was the size of my head!!! Why is everything so big?

Over lunch which had interesting conversation- David and Ash talk about the craziest most random things its awesome, luv it!

David then wanted to buy a Boston Red Sox jersey so we hopped back on the train to go to Quincy Markets. It's the happening place to be on the weekend! SO many people. Basically its just loads of restaurants and food places but it has such a great vibe you cant help but smile! We finally found him a jersey after much modeling on his behalf so everyone was happy.

After nearly 6 hours shopping is was time for home so we got on the slowest train ever and made it back to Kirkland just in time for a nap before Dorm Party! What an incredible day!

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