Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bikram Yoga- why O why?

Why O Why would anyone put themselves through that everyday voluntarily?

I had great intentions- Liv (from Musical Theatre class) goes everyday and has been convincing me to join her, so today I caved and went. Now I have done Bikram once before in Washington where I pretty much laid on the floor and sweated, yet time has fogged my memories on the actually feeling of this 40 degree heat for 90 minutes. How could I forget the feeling???

I was really excited to go, honestly I was. In my head I was picturing me going everyday getting in touch with myself in this form of hot mediation and leaving the place enlightened and refreshed...instead I left feeling like I was going to pass out!

The first 1/2 hour or so was alright, I was coping with the heat and the poses weren't too difficult- even though I had no idea why we were doing them, are they supposed to stretch you? Anyway, the second half hour things got harder. They wanted you to hold your feet and stretch up ad do scales and all this stuff, but come on im sweating no wait im dripping and you want me to get a good grip on my foot what the heck! The last 1/2 was the killer. It was floor exercises so in some sense you got a break cause you could just lay on your back. These poses were weird again and they do this thing where you rest after every pose by laying on your back, but to get up you are supposed to do a super quick sit up. The instructor was like if you feel a black out feeling just go with it, its good... WTF! I was so thirsty and my water was boiling so at one stage I tried to get up and get water only to be told by the instructor that I really should stay inside the heater for the entire time on my first day to say I did it. While it is nice to say I did it... I was near passing out!

When we finished it was like heaven walking into the air con room, yet this only lasted a few seconds before the shakes and the ear ringing of near fainting came around. Liv and I walked to the bathroom where I was like get me a chair lol. Its such a horrible feeling and I don't get why people would want that feeling. If they had 1hr class I think I could handle it better. The 90 min was just way, way to long.

Im going to see how it effects me over night, it did give me a energy boost about 30min after it when I was I the fresh air, only to drop 30min later when I made it to my room and just wanted to sleep.

I think I will give it one more go- they say it gets better. We shall see :)

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