Monday 8 July 2013

David Black- Screen Writing Seminar

So I joined up for this screenwriting seminar with two intentions-
      1- it was in Kirklands senior common room which I wanted to go in
      2- it would be good to have knowledge for teaching

The seminar was lead by David Black who has written for CSI Miami, Law and Order, Miami Vice and Hill Street BLues (to name a few). He was an extremely knowledgeable man, however the air con was on and the tv was making static and he spoke really quietly so hearing what he was saying was extremely difficult. We watched a few shorts from his work and analyzed how  they were written and produced. I took some good notes so im hoping they come in handy in drama.

While I was there I also snuck into the Junior Common Room which im so upset they don't allow us in, because it is so beautiful and grand. I want a reading room to look like this!




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