Friday 23 August 2013

They may be the enemy- but they are beautiful!

First stop today was Yale. Now I know I should hate the enemy but it becomes a bit difficult when the campus is so unbelievably beautiful. Its gothic style buildings are breathtaking and to it looked even better as it was freshman move in day so there were flags and decorations everywhere. Sarah and I pretended to be freshman and walked around the dorms, got our freshman t-shirts and looked at the groups we could join. I wish we could have spent more time there but we parked a car in an 1hr only spot L but I will be back as professor one day so its just a see you later!

We then decided to drive past Province and go to the Wrentham Premium Outlets which were fairly good but pretty much the same prices as the normal stores.

While the shops may not have been the best our Hilton hotel was really cool. It was just down the road from Brown University and had huge ballrooms that were fun to sneak into.

On our way to dinner we found a Partycity store which was so much fun and so so cheap. I want to organize a party just so I can buy decorations! We decided that it would be funny to buy a happy birthday crown and wear it to see how much stuff we could get for free. Sarah wore it to dinner at TGIF and while they didnt public humiliate her by singing every was extremely nice to her.




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