Tuesday 20 August 2013

The Capital

Our drive to Washington was pretty uneventful- we just wanted to get there and it was horrible weather L Although we did pull off and go to the Flight 53 memorial site from 9/11 which has just been opened. I don’t know if it was the cold wind or the effect of spirits in the air but there was something very eerie about in the air. We also decided to drive through Georgetown which is one of the cutest towns with Cobble Street even if they are really steep and when driving down it feels like you are on a rollercoaster! We stopped in at DC cupcakes and even though I had them in Boston, there is nothing like having to wait ½ and hour in a line to eat cupcakes- they taste so much better and they seriously are the best cupcakes ever.

We had a few days in Washington which was great because there is just so much to see and do even if ive been there before.

We both went to the Air Space Museum which is one of my favourite- im just a big kid at heart and love hands on stuff! I also went to the Natural History again just because I love night at the museum 2 and it’s a pretty cool museum with dinosaurs, orangutans and big whales. I met back up with Sarah and we decided to go to the Kennedy Performing Arts Centre as each night they have a free show. So had some fro-yo (I’m an addict!) and walked to the KPAC. We ended up seeing a contemporary dance group that told the story of the burqa. It was very interesting and they had some really cool motifs and elements of design which I would love to adapt.

On our second day in Washington we got up early to go to the Holocaust Musuem which is without a doubt the best museum I have ever been to. Now I’ve been to numerous Holocaust museums around the world and even been to a few concentration camps, and I was really taken aback by the assembly of the museum. The history and stories of the deceased were beautifully honoured and the information was provided in a informative and easy to understand way. I think the most heart-wrenching element was the photo card you receive as you walk in that tells the story of an individual. It was eerie that my photo card of a person who was a drama student and Sarah’s was a fashion student- how ironic.

After shedding a few tears, we walked along the Washington Mall Memorial Pool up to the Lincoln Memorial, before detouring and going up to the Shakespeare Theatre. We had read somewhere they do a week of free shows and so we were hoping to get tickets. We were there really early so we went to lunch at a sports bar called Turtle. I find it really strange that at lots of restaurants they will have promotions if you sign up to their emails and they aren’t just like you may win this or that but are you can get $20 off or  free dessert or appetizer. So everywhere we seem to eat its not only cheap but we get free stuff! Anyway after a lunch we waited in line for the free tickets. In this line was another fellow Australia who proved the whole 6 degrees of separation can in fact be 1 degree as we both went to Bathurst University at the same time and lived in the same dorm and knew the same people! Crazy!

We were fortunate to get tickets to Much Ado About Nothing and had a couple of hours to kill before the show so found another frozen yoghurt place and people watched. Funniest comments on our behalf including the term ‘overgrown leprechaun’ (a man with a red hair and beard), which then formed “overgrown hobbit’ (any man who didn’t have ginger hair but did have scruffy hair and a beard). The terms are going to be the next big thing!

The show itself was incredible and absolutely hilarious. I was not expecting to laugh so much and the take on the classic tale in which the director set it in a Caribbean house courtyard with only one set, it was clever and worked well.

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