Thursday 22 August 2013

Rain rain go away

We spent the morning at Liberty Hall doing a tour of the beginnings of the USA. We saw the room where the founding fathers signed the constitution and learnt some of the history of the birthplace of the nation.


Torrential rain! I mean torrential rain that nearly caused us to be flooded in and stuck! It was only lightly raining when left Philly, however as we were on back roads through beautiful countryside it started to pour. At one stage we had a raging river next to us and a hill on the other side, so we had rushing water coming down meeting the rising water of the river and we were trying to go through it! It was tough drive, however we made it out alive.

Then we decided to get on back on the main roads but with the internet cutting in and out and not great signposts we kept getting lost or going too far when we were supposed to turn.  So far along the trip we had been doing pretty well with directions, but somehow today was not the day and we got lost so many times.

By the time we got to New Haven (our hotel was on the beach) we were very over it and over each other that we just watched some tv and went to bed.




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