Friday 16 August 2013

A perfect picnic

After a sleep in we decided to go shopping at the huge mall across the road- still undecided whether this was a good idea or a bad one as I spent lots of money!

In Australia we just don’t have department stores like JC Penny and Sears- its so cheap! Plus the clothes are really good designer stuff. We also went to Waa Mans which is the best supermarket I have ever been to. Now to start with I love supermarkets especially when in different countries. I just find all the brands and how they place things so interesting (weird I know). This supermarket however was the supermarket of all supermarkets!!! It was massive. They had a salad and hot food bars that would have been as big as the fresh food section in Woolworths. Their cheese section was as big as a Telstra shop and the rest of the shop would have been twice the size of any Coles in Australia. We ended up getting a hot chicken, pesto, feta, sundried tomatoes, pina coladas and a bread stick for a picnic we planned to have at Niagara falls.

Late afternoon we drove to Niagara Falls where we set up a picnic rug and our food for a lovely dinner overlooking the falls. The falls themselves were beautiful however it was hard to get their full effect from the American side as you look at both sets of falls sideways. Although the sheer power of the falls cannot be missed as you can get about 2m away from the edge and the noise and speed of the water is phenomenal. As it got dark, lights from the Canadian side reflected a rainbow of colours and we were lucky enough to be there when they had fireworks which were awesome. Only down side of the picnic was that every time the wind changed it would bring the mist over us making it feel like it was still rain around you- kind of like a constant spray bottle squirting.

It was such a perfect picnic.

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