Saturday 24 August 2013

Final day of road trip

So on our final day of the road trip we drove from Province RI back to Boston, with a few stops of the way of course.

We stopped at Kohls and another party store, before getting the urge to go to yard sales to see if we could relive last weeks awesome estate sale. Unfortunately it wasn't to be, even though we tried three different ones around Newton.

So we made our way to Pam's where I it looked like we were moving in with the amount of stuff we had somehow managed to fit in our little Yaris. We didn't get to stay long as we had to get the car back and we wanted to make a stop in Harvard. So we drove and got Pinnochio's OMG how I missed that pizza! Then we had to get yoghurtland before we met up with Mai near Kirkland. After a quick catchup we drove to the Stadium and watched a bit of a baseball game before seeing the actual stadium. It was such a perfect day to see it! So beautiful... makes my own uni's stadium look so sad :(

It was then time to drive to the airport to give back Glen Coco :( It was sad to say goodbye.

Back in Harvard Square to met Pam we decided to cook a semi-Australian dinner for Pam. So we went shopping with her and made Pesto Pasta, Pumpkin/pear salad and Pavlova. It was such a success and we spent the night discussing everything from tv to politics to the federal budget and education.

Such a great night!



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