Thursday 15 August 2013

A day of the unexpected

We had a long way to drive today but still decided to stay off the interstates for the start which means we could see the ‘real’ america (they are the coolest roads, so easy to get around all odd numbers go north south and even east to west. It makes getting lost fairly hard- though we still managed to.) so it ended up taking us nearly 10 hours to drive from Lake George to Buffalo.

We firstly drove through Saratoga Springs which was a quaint little old town that is known for huge horse races. We stopped at a church on the way out of town that was having a yard sale. I got a dress and Sarah got a few pairs of pants but we wanted to buy all this beautiful furniture and ice skates!

Along the road trip every time we went over a railway track Sarah would get excited – and we went over lots! So after the yard sale we saw these beautiful railway tracks right next to the water so we quickly pulled over to get some photos. Then I decided I didn’t like my dress in the photos (vain) so I changed and so did Sarah. Then being stupid I put on my angel wings and halo and walked onto the tracks only to run off them quickly as a train came! I waved as it went past and got many strange looks, although some of the photos look cool- YOLO.

Back in the car we worked out the radio and found a local station (very redneck). However, they were discussing this huge county fair at Herkimer so we followed the signs and even though we got lost and were giving up on finding it we turned the corner and there it was. It was a true county fair with a crowned Miss Herkimer, tractors, rides and food. We made friends with one of the carnies who I swear wanted to marry one of us or maybe both of us lol.

After leaving Herkimer we popped into a town called Utica. To picture it think of what you think of a ghetto from the movies. We were trying to find Maccas and at a red light we couldn’t help but hear a group of teenagers sitting on their porch talking with sentences like “oh no gurl he didn’t”, “hell no”.  On the way back from maccas we again stopped at the lights and they Sarah yells out the window “Hey, how yall doing!” Then they started talking to us and were like “I’ll have what she’s on” to which Sarah replies “im high on life!” It was hilarious. Then the conversation went on until they decided they were going to find us some American boys, but unfortunately the lights changed before they could lol.

This encounter left us in stitches but due to spending so much time stopping and doing random things we were still only half way to Buffalo so we hopped on the interstate and fast tracked the rest of the trip. We made it to the hotel in time for a late dinner which was perfect because our hotel was right across from a shopping strip that went on for 5 km!

We ended up at TGIF for dinner and I know it’s a chain store but omg their meals were great and for $12 we could get a 2 course meal. Plus we signed up to their rewards program so got a free dessert which was the best thing ever!

What a day!







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