Wednesday 14 August 2013

Kancamagus Highway- Lake George

Trip Advisor has told us that one of the top ten things to do in New England was to drive through the White Mountains on the Kancamagus Highway… and it was the best advice.

After taking 2 hours to cross Maine and make it to New Hampshire, we swapped over driving. I was a little unsure how I would go but with a km it felt completely natural (a part from the parking). It was such a beautiful day and with the windows down and music blaring it was a great start to our road trip.

Along the highway there are numerous pit stops that have walking tracks or lookouts.  It is absolutely breathtaking to take a turn and see raging rapids with huge boulders, old rickety suspension bridges or lookouts above sweeping plains. Everything was so green and the trees merged over the road so every moment looked straight off a postcard. It was one of the prettiest drives I have even been on.

Upon leaving the highway we began to see these moose signs that signal moose crossing ahead.  To us Australians this is a foreign thing so we would try and get a picture, but would be too slow every time. So when we saw the next one and there were no cars behind us I decided to pull into someone’s driveway and Sarah ran up the road to go take a picture. Then I jumped out to take a picture of her taking a picture, which then turned into me dancing on the highway! All the while there were two old people looking out their front door wondering what the heck we were doing. Sarah waved but thought it might put them at ease if she explained what we had been doing. So we both walked down and met the Adam’s. Within minutes we had found out their entire life story which they actually told us three times due to them both having dementia (bless their little cotton socks). They were so adorable and so happy to just be talking to people- especially Australians that they gave us blankets they had crocheted. I couldn’t say no when she offered and she was so happy to give them to us. Then they wanted to take a picture but their camera wasn’t working so we promised to send them a picture we took. It was such a random experience but it makes me so happy to have made them so happy!

Back in the car we made it to Lake George around dinner time and decided to drive straight to the town to get something to eat.  It’s a very touristy/summer place with lots of stuff to do for families. Close to town we pulled into this giant 10m Uncle Sam statue and a 8m Santa Claus… again so random. We worked out they were in front of a theme park and I thought it would be wise to try and sneak in. Due to it being closed everything was locked up, but the back gate was wide enough if I climbed up half way and jump through. Mid way through this operation, while trying to confine my fits of giggles I reconsidered my choice of climbing through as how the heck was I to get back over! So stuck halfway with Sarah laughing at me and taking photos I decided to jump back the way I had climbed. You may call me a scaredy cat but didn’t want to end my trip in jail. 

We then safely and legally made it to Lake George which was gorgeous. We had dinner in an Italian place on the main street right near one of the best putt putt golf places I have ever seen. We decided to get a tub of ice cream for dessert and eat it near the water, where we stumbled upon a town fair that featured sing-a-longs with a band asking us to repeat hiedi-heidi-heidi-hi etc. It was great fun!

After days like these I look to myself and go did this really just happen- random things always seem to happen and they turn into the best adventures! YOLO



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