Saturday 29 June 2013

Boston Adventures

Saturday!!! Today I actually slept in woo! Well only till 9 LOL. I missed breakfast so I went straight to Hemenway Gym which I  love. It's in the Harvard Law School area and I think its one of the oldest parts of the college. The gym is quite small but has everything I would want over its 3 levels. I found it really good because they all have TV's which motivate me to stay longer so I can see the end of a show! I made the mistake of starting to watch a movie so I ended u staying for 2 hours :)
In the arvo, myself, Will (UK) and Fernando went for a drive with Mairz to downtown Boston. We walked along where the Boston Marathon bombs were...
...and saw all the old churches that neatly fit in with the modern skyscrapers...

Fernando (Brazil)

Apple Shop

Public Library

We then decided to drive to Walmart in Quincy. The traffic was horrendous so it took us about 40minutes. Before coming here I was so excited to rent a car and drive around for two weeks but im not sure they drive CRAZY here... they have so many lanes and no one blinkers or follows the rules. We were going 85 in a 40 mile one and cop car went by as did other cars and no one cared.  What also made it worse was the fact that gas had spilt in the boot and the smell had escaped into the cabin... it was so bad :(
But... We made it to Walmart in one piece (just barely).
Walmart is just massive- it has everything and everything is so so so cheap!!! Its ridiculous... too bad I cant do my grocery shopping here and take it home :) We didn't really buy much food, however we bought a softball set and a soccer ball to use in the quad!
 Maddi Corbyn this pink lemonade made me think of you :)

 We made it back late so we grab Pinocchio's for dinner- absolutely delicious by-the-slice pizza!



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