Monday 24 June 2013

First day of school :)

So weird having a first day of school at 22! I was a mixture of anxiousness of excitement as I feared the unexpected. Would they make me read a thousand novels? Will have to write essays everyday? Will I understand what I have to do?

Luckily, my first lesson was amazing, I loved it and I really didn't have to fear anything!

My first course was Adolescent Literature and the reason I choose this was due to the fact that as a teacher I will pretty much be just teaching AL so its great to get as much exposure and analysis of it as I can and I also choose it because I do like AL and we get to study Harry Potter :)

The classroom I'm in is quaint. It's room 310 in Sever Building (in Harvard Yard), it's old and it still has blackboards!

The interesting thing about Harvard Summer School is that within your classes you have graduate and undergraduate students as well as SSP (Secondary School Program) students. This means there is a huge range in ages, although for this course it becomes quiet interesting as we are delving into AL when some people are still within that category themselves. 

During the class we did a breakdown of the syllabus and began introducing ourselves around the class. Professor William Flesch is amazing and goes of on philosophical tangents and uses pop culture and movies in every statement- it just amazes and frightens me how worldly his knowledge is.

Overall it was a great first lesson- also met my first Australians.. there's four of us woo

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