Sunday 23 June 2013

Harvard Summer School Orientation Day 2

I just want to start with... jet lag sucks!!! It's incredibly annoying and makes you feel like crap! arghhh

Anyway day 2, it was another great day.

Woke up early for a walk along the Charles River- saw lots of people rowing and boat houses :) I defiantly going to take up rowing this summer.

I then had breakfast with Andrea and guys I met last night; Will (London), Will (North Carolina), Julio (Brazil), Fernando (Brazil), Phil (Texas), Stephen (Germany). We stayed and talked for awhile before going on a walk around Harvard Square.

We decided to met at 11.30 to go to the activities fare, but it wasn't that great- just sheets of paper with info. Although we have all decided to do some rowing :) Yay.

We had lunch before going back to our dorms where I had a lovely nap LOL! I then walked to the Dean's Ice-cream social, but along the way I found Will playing Badminton with Lucas and ? who are doing research over the summer. So I joined in for my first game of Badminton and its harder than it looks but also lots of fun.

At the ice cream social there was amazing ice cream like coffee oreo and then there were tables full of all toppings and things to stick in your ice cream! We all ate it on the grass and just stayed basking in the sunshine until dinner.

 At 8pm we had our Kirkland House meeting in the Kirkland Dining Hall and then our dorm meetings. Jake is my proctor who is very nice, studying literature so yay F block! We just went through rules and things happening throughout the Summer. Also introduced ourselves to the rest of the dorm and really interested to see that every single person comes from a different country!

After meeting Andrea and I have just relaxed and gone through all the info we got today and have started to get ready for big first day tomorrow... Very very nervous!!!!

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