Tuesday 25 June 2013

Birthday @ Harvard

YAY- It's my birthday- happy birthday to me :)
Such a gorgeous day to be having my birthday; sunny, hot, pool party weather :)

I woke up and unwrapped all my lovely presents and cards from home which made feel loved and special even though i'm on the other side of the world. I spoke with the family on my walk along the Charles River which was great to see whats happening back home.

I then had a special breakfast of French toast :) so yummy! I try and make the effort to at least once a day sit with someone I don't know and so today I sat with Ryan and Carole who are both proctors of the SSP kids.  They were so lovely and kind as well as really helpful with ideas on things to do.

I then spent the morning in the music center practicing for class and trying to psych myself up :) Class was great (see other blog) and I cannot wait to see what happens over summer :)

Andrea and I then caught up in our room before going to dinner together where we had dinner with - one of her friends from her course- Edel (Mexico). She was an absolute cracker can tell we will get on very well. Dinner was the best as well (they must have know it was my birthday!) they had pesto pasta made ho I like as well as carrot cake nom nom nom...

After dinner Andrea went to the liquor store and bought beer and margaritas as well as chips and soft drinks fro the young ones!

At about 8 Phil and Julio turned up and they had spent ages finding me an Australia bottle of wine for a present- so thoughtful. Then Kelly turned up and gave me a bottle of moscato- Barefoot pink moscato was so good. We were playing king of beers and then by the time we got on to flip cup the other guys had finished their classes so there was Will, Will, Stephan, Daniel and Fernando as well.

We just hung out and talked and learnt swear words in so many different languages! I also had Happy Birthday sung to me in I think at least 6 different languages- defiantly felt very special.

Then one of Stephen's friends turned up and he was nice but spoke so fast that I could not understand a word he was saying then he and the boys were having a debate on how 2 = 3 and I was like wow im totally at a Harvard party lol

Such an awesome night spent with new friends... had so much fun!

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