Sunday 30 June 2013

Study Break Sunday

So today I again woke up late again and made it Hemenway Gym for another 2 hour workout so I could watch the entire movie "21" which I think is quiet appropriate as the protagonist is trying to get into Harvard Med! I took my camera as I find the Law School, where the gym is situated, to be one of the prettiest parts to the college I have seen.

 After being so good at the gym I felt so guilt for going to the dining hall and having waffles for brunch... BUT they had the HARVARD crest in them!!!! thumbs up for awesome marketing!!! I'm not usually a fan of waffles but I have now been converted! They were the fluffiest waffles I have ever had and you even got to make them yourself so they were so fresh and hot and mmmmmmmm
 I ended up meeting with George (from musical theatre class) and Andrea for brunch and we had an incredible educational debate. George goes to a private school in NJ called Ranney which costs $30 000 a year!!!! We talked about how they look at about 10 novels a year and how competitive they are and also how you can begin gaining university credit through AP courses when your in year 7! He also explained the long and arduous process of applying for college. I am so thankful for the system we have in Australia where we don't have this hierarchy of ivy leagues and how you have to do exams as well as essays and interviews just to get into university and all this prep begins half way through your schooling life.  It was quiet astonishing and makes me want to volunteer and try and understanding the different education system they have in USA.

As I had a bit of time during the afternoon I spent time walking around Harvard Square... a bit like a tourist with all my pictures :)

This is the entrance to Sanders Theatre behind Annenberg Hall

This was a really cute store that sells really random things...
This is the entrance gate to the second building of Kirkland is... where most of the guys are
This is the entrance to Elliot House which is next door to Kirkland
Found the perfect table to play beer pong on :)
 Elliott House court yard
 Kirkland House entrance way
 Entrance to Kirkland House...
Kirkland House courtyard...
I read the Harvard Crimson while watching the light rain fall :) bliss...
Late afternoon, Nichole (from musical theatre class) came over and we went in to the basement and watched Thoroughly Modern Millie the 1967 version with Julie Andrews. I love how this counts as homework! We then worked on our pieces and i feel like im finally getting the confidence I have when I dance :)
From 8pm on sundays Kirkland House has a 'study break' where they buy us pizza and ice cream and we all get together in the courtyard. It was nice to see everyone socially as we don't see each other during the week due to the fact we don't have a common room to hang out in. I met a few other aussie's and it was nice to swap our stories of how people don't understand us and we were all agree that we want to organize a party and also work out how to watch state of origin!
As far as weekends go... this first one in Cambridge was awesome... lovin life!

Saturday 29 June 2013

Boston Adventures

Saturday!!! Today I actually slept in woo! Well only till 9 LOL. I missed breakfast so I went straight to Hemenway Gym which I  love. It's in the Harvard Law School area and I think its one of the oldest parts of the college. The gym is quite small but has everything I would want over its 3 levels. I found it really good because they all have TV's which motivate me to stay longer so I can see the end of a show! I made the mistake of starting to watch a movie so I ended u staying for 2 hours :)
In the arvo, myself, Will (UK) and Fernando went for a drive with Mairz to downtown Boston. We walked along where the Boston Marathon bombs were...
...and saw all the old churches that neatly fit in with the modern skyscrapers...

Fernando (Brazil)

Apple Shop

Public Library

We then decided to drive to Walmart in Quincy. The traffic was horrendous so it took us about 40minutes. Before coming here I was so excited to rent a car and drive around for two weeks but im not sure they drive CRAZY here... they have so many lanes and no one blinkers or follows the rules. We were going 85 in a 40 mile one and cop car went by as did other cars and no one cared.  What also made it worse was the fact that gas had spilt in the boot and the smell had escaped into the cabin... it was so bad :(
But... We made it to Walmart in one piece (just barely).
Walmart is just massive- it has everything and everything is so so so cheap!!! Its ridiculous... too bad I cant do my grocery shopping here and take it home :) We didn't really buy much food, however we bought a softball set and a soccer ball to use in the quad!
 Maddi Corbyn this pink lemonade made me think of you :)

 We made it back late so we grab Pinocchio's for dinner- absolutely delicious by-the-slice pizza!



Cambridge City Dance Party (first night out in Cambridge)

What an amazing night!

I had heard about this dance party they have in Cambridge to welcome the Summer and even though it was a non drinking event though it would be fun. Boy I was right!

A bunch of us met in my room and had a few sneaky drinks and then caught the T (that's what they call the subway here) to Central Station.

We didn't know what direction the party was in but we started to see lights and more and more people... then all of a sudden there was city hall, this old majestic building covered in strobe lights! The road was blocked off and there were thousands of people dancing on the street, on the grass, on chairs on the stairs...everywhere. The DJ was amazing playing old and new stuff. We made it nearly to the top of the stairs but it became impossible to move any further, so we began moving down to get more room but we started to loosing people :( I ended up with Will and Stephan and we spent the next while watching break dancing circles before we were joined by other Will who knew how to shake it. We were having this awesome dance off when one of my moves accidentally got really big and I punch him in the mouth !!!! whoopsie! Luckily he was fine... still has all his teeth for his beautiful smile :) The street party ended at 11pm so we began walking back to our dorm with a bunch of people.

Half way there Stephan gets a call from his friend Mairz (Bangladesh Prince) who was having dinner at a Chinese restaurant that is open till 3am! So we stopped and talked with him and others arrived and it turned into a big meal (these boys never stop eating!). Mairz would have to be the smartest person I have ever met though I find it hard even as a native English speaker to understand him all the time as he goes on tangents like my old high school principle!

After their second dinner we made it back into Harvard Square and went to Charlie's Kitchen. I had the bestest cocktail ever- so strong but good. We stayed there till close before making back to our dorm.

It was an incredible night- wish we had more street parties!!!
Great way to be welcomed to a place!!!

Thursday 27 June 2013

Widener Library

This would have to be the best place I have ever studied by far! It is such a grand, incredible building and it makes me feel special that only Harvard students can go inside :)

Little bit of history (from Wikipedia)
The Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library, commonly known as Widener Library, is the primary building of the library system of Harvard University. Located on the south side of Harvard Yard directly across from Memorial Church, Widener serves as the centerpiece of the 15.6 million-volume Harvard University Library system, the largest university library system in the world.[1][2] The 320,000-square-foot (30,000 m2) Beaux-Arts brick building houses 57 miles (92 km) of bookshelves and 3 million volumes. Among them is one of the few remaining perfect copies of the Gutenberg Bible.

Widener Library, which opened with a solemn ceremony on June 24, 1915, commemorates Harry Elkins Widener (born January 3, 1885 in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania), a 1907 Harvard graduate, who was a book collector and victim of the Titanic disaster. His mother, Eleanor Elkins, made a $3.5 million donation to Harvard University to build a library named after him. The library was designed by Horace Trumbauer & Associates, the architect of many private houses for the intertwined Elkins and Widener families of Philadelphia including the renowned Lynnewood Hall. The Associate responsible for designing Widener Library was the chief designer of the firm, architect Julian F. Abele, the first major African American architect.

From approximately 1997 to 2004, Widener Library underwent a comprehensive renovation costing $97 million that included: adding fire suppression systems, adding air conditioning, enclosing light courts, and remodeling the stacks and public spaces. According to a campus legend, under the terms of the Widener family donation, the exterior of the library is never to be altered, or else ownership of the building reverts to the city of Cambridge. Because of this, Harvard has always been limited and creative in its renovation options, including the building of a causeway to neighboring Houghton Library through what was a large window

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Birthday @ Harvard

YAY- It's my birthday- happy birthday to me :)
Such a gorgeous day to be having my birthday; sunny, hot, pool party weather :)

I woke up and unwrapped all my lovely presents and cards from home which made feel loved and special even though i'm on the other side of the world. I spoke with the family on my walk along the Charles River which was great to see whats happening back home.

I then had a special breakfast of French toast :) so yummy! I try and make the effort to at least once a day sit with someone I don't know and so today I sat with Ryan and Carole who are both proctors of the SSP kids.  They were so lovely and kind as well as really helpful with ideas on things to do.

I then spent the morning in the music center practicing for class and trying to psych myself up :) Class was great (see other blog) and I cannot wait to see what happens over summer :)

Andrea and I then caught up in our room before going to dinner together where we had dinner with - one of her friends from her course- Edel (Mexico). She was an absolute cracker can tell we will get on very well. Dinner was the best as well (they must have know it was my birthday!) they had pesto pasta made ho I like as well as carrot cake nom nom nom...

After dinner Andrea went to the liquor store and bought beer and margaritas as well as chips and soft drinks fro the young ones!

At about 8 Phil and Julio turned up and they had spent ages finding me an Australia bottle of wine for a present- so thoughtful. Then Kelly turned up and gave me a bottle of moscato- Barefoot pink moscato was so good. We were playing king of beers and then by the time we got on to flip cup the other guys had finished their classes so there was Will, Will, Stephan, Daniel and Fernando as well.

We just hung out and talked and learnt swear words in so many different languages! I also had Happy Birthday sung to me in I think at least 6 different languages- defiantly felt very special.

Then one of Stephen's friends turned up and he was nice but spoke so fast that I could not understand a word he was saying then he and the boys were having a debate on how 2 = 3 and I was like wow im totally at a Harvard party lol

Such an awesome night spent with new friends... had so much fun!